Video Adverts Pre-Productions


[Scene: A serene morning setting with sunlight streaming through a window. A person sits at a kitchen table, brewing a cup of green tea.]

Narrator (soft, inviting voice):

"Start your day the green way. With every sip of our premium green tea, you embrace a moment of tranquility."

[Cut to scenes of nature: lush green tea fields, leaves glistening with morning dew.]


"Handpicked from the finest leaves, our green tea is packed with antioxidants to energize your body and soothe your soul."

[Scene shifts back to the person enjoying their tea, looking relaxed and focused.]


"Feel the difference. Discover balance, clarity, and wellness in every cup."

[Text on screen: “Brew your moment. Drink green tea.”]


"Refresh your routine with our delicious green tea. Taste the nature, sip the peace."

[Scene fades out with a logo and website link.]


[Scene: A vibrant kitchen filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. A person enters, looking energized and ready to make a healthy drink.]

Narrator (cheerful and upbeat):

"Looking for a burst of energy? Try our refreshing Super Green Smoothie!"

[Cut to close-ups of colourful ingredients: spinach, bananas, berries, and a splash of coconut water.]

"Packed with nutrient-rich greens and delicious fruits, this drink is your go-to for a healthy boost."

[The person blends the ingredients, and the kitchen fills with a bright, inviting color as the smoothie is poured into a glass.]

"Feel the vitality with every sip! Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it’s perfect for any time of day."

[Scene shifts to the person enjoying the smoothie, looking happy and refreshed.]

"Fuel your body, uplift your mood. Sip into health with our Super Green Smoothie!"

[Text on screen: “Drink fresh, feel fantastic!” with a logo and website link.]


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