Media Assessment Learner Response

 MARK : 13 Grade: 4

WWW: This is a solid first assessment that shows we should definitely be aiming for the higher targets.

EBI: Add depth and detail to your analysis paragraph to open up the higher levels of the mark scheme.

LR: See blog

Q1: 1

Q2: 1

Q3: 4

Q5: 3

Q6: 3

3. I done better in question 3 because I feel like its because i wrote 3 paragraphs making it have more detail for the question.

4. I scored lower in question 5 and 6 because I didn't add much detail and depth which lost me marks.

5. In the perfume advert featuring Beyonce , the typography lets us know the name of the product. Red connotates blood, hatred , anger and aggression. This may provide the fact that the product will give you these connotations.

Also the camera shot/angle connotates that this celebrity is powerful meaning she is influential . Also the costume she is wearing corrolates with the colour scheme as every thing in that picture is mostly red. Her expression and body language shows that she is in control.


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