December mock exam: Learner Response blog tasks

 1, WWW: homework and assessments were a red strength for you at the start of the course. You need need to use this as a lesson so we can put things right february.

EBI: You cant leave questions blank: have a go at every question. Revise osp. Revise csp

2. Non-diegetic sound is any sound in a film that doesnt originate from the world of the film. For example, a film soundtrack is almost always non-diegetic sound because the characters don't hear it

3. Excellent analysis of the extract that is detailed and critically

engages with the nuanced aspects of what is communicated by

the camerawork.

• Consistently appropriate and effective use of the theoretical

framework throughout.

• Consistently appropriate and effective use of subject specific

terminology throughout.

4.Excellent analysis of the extract that is detailed and critically

engages with the nuanced aspects of the question.

• Excellent, astute judgements and conclusions that are

consistently well supported by relevant examples.

5.Excellent knowledge and understanding of contexts of media and

their influence on media products and processes, demonstrated

by consistently effective discussion of age representations, in

relation to the two close study products.

• Excellent, astute judgements and conclusions that are

consistently well supported by relevant examples.

6. UGC - publishes information than an unpaid contributor provides to a website.

7.Excellent analysis of the product(s) that is detailed and critically

engages with the nuanced aspects of celebrity and power.

• Excellent, astute judgements and conclusions which focus on ‘power’

and which are consistently well supported by relevant examples.

• Consistent appropriate and effective use of subject specific

terminology throughout.

8.Excellent knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework,

demonstrated by consistently effective discussion of the debate about

regulation of social media and the internet.

• Excellent, astute judgements and conclusions that are consistently well

supported by relevant examples.

• Consistent appropriate and effective use of subject specific

terminology throughout.

9. 1, im dissapointed as well.

10. OSP , CSP and context.


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