
Preliminary exercise feedback and learner response

 1.  WWW: Your editing skills are really very good here – lots to credit. Excellent continuity editing, clear narrative communicated and a perfect product shot at the end of the advert. Both music tracks work really well too – excellent selection and introduced at the right time. The only issue is that the clips are the example videos we filmed in class so we don’t have any of your own original video which is a crucial part of the process. This is something to consider when choosing how to proceed with your coursework project.   EBI: In terms of the editing, the main feedback from this project is the audio tracks. The music is great but you still have the audio tracks from the video which means you can hear the direction and instructions to actors. It’s a great lesson for future editing projects as you need to edit with headphones on or audio up and check your work carefully before exporting. In this case, you needed to either drag the video file only on to the timeline or alternativel

Year 11 Paper 1 Assessment: Learner Response

 1. WWW:  You start well but now you need to add the revision and practice to reach the upper levels throughout. The potential is definitely there. EBI: Revision: Narrative theory, Learn / revise the CSPS in Q7 you needed detailed divided examples from Black Widow. 2.Athletic body connotes that the subject is in condition and well prepared for the ‘battle’. • No direct address but the subject’s eyes are focused on pushing the heavy tyre (physical exertion) which connotes determination and power in the face of adversity. This is reinforced by his facial expression which has his mouth open in a roar which connotes supremacy and effort. • Dress code has connotations of strength since the trainers are engaged in the activity and the clothes are functional and appropriate for task so they connote success and durability. The make-up shows sweat and dirt which has connotations of being ready for action and taking part / effort. 3. Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critica

Video Adverts Pre-Productions

 SCRIPT: [Scene: A serene morning setting with sunlight streaming through a window. A person sits at a kitchen table, brewing a cup of green tea.] Narrator (soft, inviting voice): "Start your day the green way. With every sip of our premium green tea, you embrace a moment of tranquility." [Cut to scenes of nature: lush green tea fields, leaves glistening with morning dew.] Narrator: "Handpicked from the finest leaves, our green tea is packed with antioxidants to energize your body and soothe your soul." [Scene shifts back to the person enjoying their tea, looking relaxed and focused.] Narrator: "Feel the difference. Discover balance, clarity, and wellness in every cup." [Text on screen: “Brew your moment. Drink green tea.”] Narrator: "Refresh your routine with our delicious green tea. Taste the nature, sip the peace." [Scene fades out with a logo and website link.] SCRIPT 2: [Scene: A vibrant kitchen filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. A per

Coursework Preliminary Exercise Task

Statement Of Intent: I plan to make a 30-40 seconds about an unhealthy person who lives of junk food and doesn't hydrate his body to the standards, but then meets the drink that will twist his life. The beginning of the advert will have a montage of him rotting away with junk food who feels depressed and the overall soundtrack will reflect the scenario. My character will be at home while on his bed, being very lazy to communicate what he eats, eats him. The middle of the advert will involve the character discovering the highly rated product with close and mid range shots and also the character tasting the product and reacting to it. SCRIPT: 1. the character rotting away in bed with unhealthy food 2. getting tired of the repetitive life style and going down to get more snacks 3. sees the product on the table 4. takes one sip and falls in love 5. bathes in the product CASTING: Just Me Locations: 1. my room 2. my stairs 3. my kitchen  SHOTS LIST: 20 close shots 15 medium shots 5 long

End of Year 1 exam: Learner Response

 1. The first half on the clip is solid and not far off the tip levels. Its great to see you taking notes and practice skills will help you get stronger in this section. Q2 is a great lesson. You need to construct an argument that clearly answers the question with detailed evidence  from the text. we will look at this further in class. 2. Will’s costume – makes him look like he is from our world 3. Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages with the nuanced aspects of how media language is used. • Focus on how narrative features communicate meanings is thorough and effective. • Consistent appropriate and effective use of subject terminology throughout. 4. Traditionally, Doctor was a white male, most often with a younger female companion, reflecting and reinforcing traditional gender roles of the times, with the man as powerful and in control and the woman as helper. Women’s helper role often been to provide an emotional, empathetic side to the programme.

Coursework: Summer Project 2024

  Innocent Drinks: 1. Unique Selling Point (USP) The unique selling point of Innocent Drinks is their commitment to natural, healthy ingredients with no added sugars or artificial preservatives, packaged in eco-friendly materials. The emphasis is on the purity and wholesomeness of their products, which are made from 100% fruit and vegetables. 2. Target Audience The advertisement for Innocent Drinks is aimed at health-conscious individuals who value natural and sustainable products. This audience includes a broad range of demographics but can be narrowed down as follows: Demographics: Age: 18-45 Gender: All genders Income Level: Middle class Location: Urban and suburban areas Education: High school and college-educated Psychographics: Values: Health, wellness, environmental sustainability Lifestyle: Active, health-conscious, socially responsible Interests: Fitness, healthy eating, sustainable living, outdoor activities Behaviour: Likely to purchase organic and natural products,

Radio: Final Index

1)  Radio: Launch of BBC Radio 1 CSP 2)  Radio: KISS FM Breakfast show CSP